- the goals of the organization
- continually make progress toward their long-term goals
- what is the potential value that could be achieved?
- potential future value that could be realized if the organization met the needs of all potential customers/users
- helps to maximize value over time
- the satisfaction gap between a beneficiary’s desired outcome and their current experience
- gap between their current experience and the experience that they would like to have
- represents an opportunity; this opportunity is measured by Unrealized Value.
- Questions that organizations need to continually re-evaluate for UV are
- Can any additional value be created in this market or other markets?
- Is it worth the effort and risk to pursue these untapped opportunities?
- Should further investments be made to capture additional Unrealized Value?
- The consideration of both CV and UV provides a way to balance present and possible future benefits
- Strategic Goals are formed from some satisfaction gap and an opportunity for an organization to decrease UV by increasing CV
- Example
- low CV, because it is an early version being used to test the market, but very high UV, indicating great market potential. Investing to try to boost CV is probably warranted, given the potential returns, even though the product is not currently producing high CV
- high CV, large market share, no near competitors, and very satisfied customers may not warrant much new investment; cash cow product that is very profitable but nearing the end of its product investment cycle with low UV