- Product Strategy
- 4 key events: launch, product-market fit, life cycle extension, and end of life
- 3Vs
- PO not understood and end up as scribe or proxy, should be initiating innovation and functionality, not just receiving it
- what a professional PO needs to do in order to achieve this
- Vision
- establish and communicate a clear vision for the Product
- Why are we building it? Whose lives will be improved by it?
- Value
- to move away from a project mindset (time, budget, scope) to more of a product mindset (value to stakeholders) is to define and communicate what success looks like
- Is it customer satisfaction? Operating costs? Registrations? How will we measure it? How do we know when the value received no longer outweighs the costs?
- Validation
- best way to actively manage risk is to shorten the feedback loop by validating frequently with internal experts and, even better, with the external marketplace
- that the only to value measurement is to release to customers. Until then, everything is just a hypothesis