- Transparency
- In Artifacts
- Emergent process/work must be visible to those performing and those receiving the work
- Low transparency can lead to diminishing value, and increased risk
- Inspection without transparency is misleading and wasteful
- Presenting the facts as it is. no one has any hidden agenda
- all people involved are transparent in their day-to-day dealings with others. They all trust each other, & they have the courage to keep each other abreast of good and bad news
- Inspection
- Of Artifacts in Events
- Artifacts and the progress toward agreed goals must be inspected frequently and diligently to detect: potentially undesirable variances or problems, improvements
- Inspection without adaptation is considered pointless
- can be done for the product, processes, people aspects, practices, and continuous improvements
- Adaptation
- If any aspects of a process deviate outside acceptable limits or if the resulting product is unacceptable, or when improvements are detected
- Adjustments must be made as soon as possible to minimize further deviation: A Scrum Team is expected to adapt the moment it learns anything new through inspection
- Adaptation becomes more difficult when the people involved are not empowered or self-managing
- Is about continuous improvement
- The ability to adapt based on the results of the inspection
- Adaptation should eventually relay back on one of the reasons for adopting agile
- KVAs
- increased ROI through value- based delivery
- reduced TCO through enhanced software quality
- etc