- Deciding what’s the most valuable thing to do can be difficult
- The transparency of the Product Backlog is key to facilitating decision making
- An outcome map makes transparent the relationship between a goal, the players (Persona-WHO) contributing to that goal, their desired behaviors (outcomes) & the outputs created by ST
- Outcome Mapping is a powerful technique to enhance Product Backlog transparency
- focus on encouraging customer behavior that would lead to our goal
- 1. We have a business outcome we want to achieve, think which outcome in the players (Persona-WHO) will help us to achieve such business goal, and then we think which features will help to the player (Persona-WHO) to achieve his outcome
- 2. After define this player (Persona-WHO), look into how this player (Persona-WHO) will have to change their behavior to achieve the company’s goal
- 3. An outcome is a change in behavior that leads to a goal
- Focusing on outcomes is more likely to achieve goals than producing more outputs
- 4. outputs are usually just assumptions of value. Like any assumption we need to see if it’s true, and so we should try to find out if building these outputs will actually lead to the outcomes we want
- 5. we refine the outputs by adding details, estimates, assumed value and order
- outputs with higher estimates or riskier assumptions, define experiments to run to test assumptions and avoid investing time into creating something that has no value
- Outcome Map is like an iceberg that had the most valuable PBIs at its top and those with the lowest value at the bottom
- most organizations set goals and immediately start their activities. without understanding how these activities connect to their goals, these organizations risk being busy without achieving their goal
- Model:
<img src="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Goal-WHY: why we are doing this (will help achieve a BITG (Business Intermediate Tactical Goal)
Persona-WHO: people who can support or hinder us from achieving our goal
Outcomes-WHAT: gain/benefit/changes in the players’ behaviors so that they help us achieve our goal (will help achieve a CORE PERSON goal or INTERMEDIATE PERSON goal)
Output-HOW: the activities that we believe we have to produce to create the desired outcomes